在我国 7 至 18 岁的儿童中,超越 3000 万人有超重或肥壮的问题,这让他们更有或许面对早逝的危险。隔代抚育是形成儿童肥壮问题的要素之一。一项研讨初次将祖爸爸妈妈、外祖爸爸妈妈归入干涉项目中,一起进步儿童校内和校外的身体运动量,并改进校园的午饭养分质量,完成了经济、高效的儿童肥壮干涉。
据一项历时 10 年的干涉研讨显现,向我国城市小学儿童的爸爸妈妈和祖爸爸妈妈/外祖爸爸妈妈遍及相关常识和育儿技巧,与此一起进步儿童校内和校外的身体运动量,并改进校园的午饭养分质量,可经济高效地防备我国城市儿童肥壮。该研讨是全球规划最大、最为谨慎的儿童肥壮防备干涉研讨之一。
在我国 7 至 18 岁的儿童中,超越 3 000 万人有超重或肥壮的问题,这让他们更有或许面对早逝的危险。若不采纳有用的干涉办法,估计到 2030 年,这一数字将上升到 5 000 万,而祖爸爸妈妈/外祖爸爸妈妈不适当的喂食观念和行为是这一问题日趋严重的要素之一。
英国伯明翰大学和布里斯托大学的研讨人员与广州市疾病防备操控中心协作,从广州 40 所小学招募了 1 641 名六岁的儿童,以最谨慎的随机对照干涉研讨形式评价历经 7 年研制的“高兴小龙人”项目在防备儿童肥壮方面的作用。
研讨结果显现这项为期 12 个月的干涉项目能有用地下降儿童的体质指数,并改进儿童的饮食(如:儿童摄入更多的蔬菜和生果但摄入更少高糖高脂零食)和身体活动量(如:儿童参与更多的户外活动;久坐屏幕前的娱乐活动减少了)。
研讨团队 11 月 26 日在PLoS Medicine上宣布了他们的研讨效果。
这个健康干涉项目是更广泛的“高兴小龙人”项目(CHInese pRimary school children PhYsical activity and DietaRy behAviour chanGe InterventiON)的一部分,后者触及来自广州 43 所小学的 61 000 多名儿童和家庭。
“高兴小龙人”项意图研制作业始于 2009 年,随机对照干涉项目始于 2015 年,意图是在我国儿童中培育更健康的生活方式和促进健康的体重,干涉的中心部分包含:
帮忙各校依据本身实践条件更好地履行校内每天一小时身体活动的方针, 然后进步学生校内身体活动水平;
为爸爸妈妈和儿童供给简单易行的亲子游戏体会,然后进步学生校外身体活动水 训练有素的干涉作业人员与儿童及其爸爸妈妈、祖爸爸妈妈/外祖爸爸妈妈和校园教师协作,在儿童中倡议和支撑更健康的饮食和更活泼的生活方式。
来自伯明翰大学的 Peymane Adab 教授评论道:“咱们发现在一些国家,校园能够在防备儿童肥壮这样的一个问题上发挥及其重要的作用,但务必要记住,为了完成最好的作用,来自社会各界和政府的干涉也十分重要。”
来自广州市疾病防备操控中心的刘伟佳博士评论道:“很高兴咱们在‘高兴小龙人’研讨中发现的重要效果现在宣布在了PLoS Medicine上。儿童肥壮是一个严重的公共问题,影响着我国青少年儿童的健康。期望咱们的研讨效果能为防备和操控我国儿童肥壮做出奉献。”
【标题】The CHIRPY DRAGON intervention in preventing obesity in Chinese primary-school--aged children: A cluster-randomised controlled trial
【作者】Bai Li , Miranda Pallan, Wei Jia Liu , Karla Hemming, Emma Frew, Rong Lin, Wei Liu, James Martin, Mandana Zanganeh, Kiya Hurley, Kar Keung Cheng, Peymane Adab
【期刊】PLoS Medicine
【时刻】November 26, 2019
In countries undergoing rapid economic transition such as China, rates of increase in childhood obesity exceed that in the West. However, prevention trials in these countries are inadequate in both quantity and methodological quality. In high-income countries, recent reviews have demonstrated that school-based prevention interventions are moderately effective but have some methodological limitations. To address these issues, this study evaluated clinical- and cost- effectiveness of the Chinese Primary School Children Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviour Changes Intervention (CHIRPY DRAGON) developed using the United Kingdom Medical Research Council complex intervention framework to prevent obesity in Chinese primary-school–aged children.
Methods and findings
In this cluster-randomised controlled trial, we recruited 40 state-funded primary schools from urban districts of Guangzhou, China. A total of 1,641 year-one children with parent/guardian consent took part in baseline assessments prior to stratified randomisation of schools (intervention arm, 20 schools, n = 832, mean age = 6.15 years, 55.6% boys; control arm n = 809, mean age = 6.14 years, 53.3% boys). The 12-month intervention programme included 4 school- and family-based components delivered by 5 dedicated project staff. We promoted physical activity and healthy eating behaviours through educational and practical workshops, family activities, and supporting the school to improve physical activity and food provision. The primary outcome, assessed blind to allocation, was between-arm difference in body mass index (BMI) z score at completion of the intervention. A range of prespecified, secondary anthropometric, behavioural, and psychosocial outcomes were also measured. We estimated cost effectiveness based on quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), taking a public sector perspective. Attrition was low with 55 children lost to follow up (3.4%) and no school dropout. Implementation adherence was high. Using intention to treat analysis, the mean difference (MD) in BMI z scores (intervention control) was 0.13 ( 0.26 to 0.00, p = 0.048), with the effect being greater in girls (MD = 0.18, 0.32 to 0.05, p = 0.007, p for interaction = 0.015) and in children with overweight or obesity at baseline (MD = 0.49, 0.73 to 0.25, p
This school- and family-based obesity prevention programme was effective and highly cost effective in reducing BMI z scores in primary-school–aged children in China. Future research should identify strategies to enhance beneficial effects among boys and investigate the transferability of the intervention to other provinces in China and countries that share the same language and cultures.