r *************************************************************************r
rr r
rr 定做须知:r
rr 客户只需提供JPG图片/详细资料,即可设计开发样版制作。r
rr 一 打样板:r
rr 1)需要提供详细资料(尺寸 颜色编号 布料名称 等等相关详细说明)r
rr 2)打样时间:样板费付清ok后4天左右 先做初样供客人确认造型ok后生产正确样版r
rr 3)打样费用:一般情况300-500元(根据不同造型/尺寸面议)r
rr 二 大货付款方式:r
rr 做大货之前先付30%定金 大货验收合格后付清剩下的70%具体的来电/来厂面谈/r
rr E-mail:yk060@yk2008china.comr
rr 欢迎点击浏览更多设计开发产品。 r
r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
rr 东莞市源康毛绒玩具有限公司创建于2002年、经过同一法人10多年努力,在2014年再次成立东莞市源子康电子塑胶有限公司总部位于广东省东莞市(占地15000平方以上),分厂位于广东省阳江市(占地面积3000平方以上)。成为专业OEM定制、年营业额数亿的顶级供应商!r
rr 主营OEM业务范围:各种填充毛绒玩具、塑胶玩具、电子产品,以及电脑绣花、热转印、丝印、商标等加工服务。月产量数百万。工厂员工达到700人以上,其中大多数设计师和管理人员具有10多年工作经验。r
rr 已经与美赞臣、伊利、沃尔玛、可口可乐、麦当劳、卡夫等国内外知名企业提供过专业的定制服务。r
rr 工厂顺利通过ICTI、ISO、沃尔玛、迪士尼、反恐等多项验厂标准,并拥有独立商检和进出口经营权。r
r 产品用料环保、做工精细,可以通过国内和出口欧美等国家的相关测试标准。只需提供产品设计图/样板就能为每个客户解决从样板开发到出货的一切相关问题r
rr 。r
rr 本厂宗旨:帮助客户降低成本和创造价值为中心!竭诚为广大新老客户提供最专业的定制服务。r
r Dongguan Yuankang Plush Toys CO., LTD., established in 2002, has found the Dongguan Yuanzikang Plastics Electronics CO., LTD in 2014 under the efforts of the same legal person. Headquarters is located in Dongguan Guangdong province (covering an area of more than 15000 square), whose branch is located in Yangjiang city Guangdong province (covering an area of more than 3000 square).r
rr Our factory has hundreds of millions of annual turnover and has become the top supplier of OEM customizationr
rr The main OEM scope is: all kinds of stuffed toys, plastic toys, electronic products and embroidery、heat transfer、silk printing、trademarks and other processing services. The factory has reached millions of monthly output. We have more than 700 workers, the designers and managements have the experience of more than 10 years.r
rr We has provided professional customized services for mead Johnson, Yili, Walmart, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Kraft and other well-known enterprises at home and abroadr
rr Our factory has successfully passed the ITCI, ISO, Disney, Global Security Verification audit, and we have the independent inspection and the right about import and export.r
rr The products use the environmental protection material and have fine workmanship, which can pass the relevant test standards of domestic and European countries.r
rr Our tenet: to help customers reduce costs and create value as the center! Wholeheartedly offer the most professional customized service for the general new and old customers.rrrr rrrrrr
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