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    更多宝贝>>批发生产 高品质静电铝铝天花 滚涂平面防火铝天花 量大从优32.80厂家出售 井型平面铝天花 会议室磨砂铝天花 量大从优60.00批发生产 仿石纹铝蜂窝板 价格合理 可按客户要求定制280.00厂家直销 广州工程异形铝蜂窝板 量大从优 可按客户要求定做280.00厂家出售 有机工程铝蜂窝板 量大从优 可按客户要求定制280.00热销 吸音勾搭式铝蜂窝板 可按客户要求定制 价格优惠280.00长期 木纹铝蜂窝板 木纹隔热铝蜂窝板 可按客户要求定制280.00厂家 商场外墙彩色铝蜂窝板 可按客户要求定制280.00批量生产 高性能隔音隔热铝蜂窝板隔断 可按客户要求定制58.00超级快车【宝贝推荐】


    地处广州番禺 铝天花铝单板 生产基地

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    铝蜂窝板主要应用于大厦的外墙装饰,是一种豪华富丽的装饰材料,其面板主要选用优质的3003H24合金铝板5052AH14高锰合金铝板为基材,面板厚度为0.8~1.5mm氟碳滚涂板,底板厚度为0.6~1.0mm,总厚度为10mm~25mm为宜。芯材采用六角形3003型铝蜂窝芯,铝箔厚度0.04~0.06mm,边长5~6mm,采用高分子胶膜和改性环氧,全封闭无尘作业,用全自动蜂窝板复合生产设备通过加压高温复合而成,克服了以往蜂窝板粘接层的脆性问题。使铝蜂窝板在潮湿、高温的情况下,都不会发生变化,属一种高质量、轻质、高强度外表豪华富丽的绿色环保装饰材料。   使用传统的热压机复合,每次压蜂窝板数件不多,影响工作效率,另在取下蜂窝板时,蜂窝板的温度突然下降,使蜂窝板很容易弯曲、变形,影响蜂窝板质量。本公司采用先进的全自动蜂窝板复合生产线,生产效率高,温度稳定,产品复合过程由低温→中温→高温→中温→低温→定型冷却→下板。设备可连续性复合铝蜂窝板,使铝蜂窝板粘接更牢固,更抗弯挠,板块更平直,质量更稳定可靠。1. 比重轻、强度高、刚度大、结构稳定、抗风压好   铝蜂窝板以其质轻、强度高、刚度大等诸多优点,已被广泛应用于大厦外墙装饰。具有相同刚度的蜂窝夹层板重量仅为铝板的1/5,钢板的1/10。总厚度为15mm,面板为1.0mm,底板为0.8mm的铝蜂窝板,重量只有6公斤/平方米。相互连接的蜂窝芯就如无数个工字钢,芯层分布固定在整个板面内,不易产生剪切,使板块更加稳定,更抗弯挠和抗压,其抗风压大大超越于铝塑板和铝单板,并且有不易变形,平直度好的特点,即使蜂窝板尺寸很大,也能达到极高的平直度。铝蜂窝板以其更小的重量而达到更大的强度和挠度。并在于出色的刚性重量比,以更小的材料获得更大受力,是其它材料不可比拟的特点,是目前建筑业首选的轻质材料。2. 隔音、隔热、防火、防震功能突出  由于蜂窝复合板内的蜂窝芯分隔成众多个封闭小室,阻止了空气流动,使热量和声波受到极大阻碍,因此,起到隔热、保温、隔音的效果。对100 -3200HZ的声源隆澡可达20~30dB,导热系数为0.104-0.130W/M.K,因而铝蜂窝板的能量吸收能力为150-3500KJ/M2是一种理想的节能材料。如遇下大雨时,雨点打在铝单板或铝塑板面上时噪声特别大,而蜂窝板就避免了这种情况。3. 外观平直、颜色多样、高雅光洁、经久耐用  不同规格尺寸的蜂窝板都具有极高的平整度,并且有不易变形的优点,本公司生产的铝蜂窝板一般采用氟碳滚涂铝板做面板。氟碳滚涂铝板更重要的一点是采用了连续的辊涂工艺,铝板的涂漆是一次性完成的,保证其产品无色差,涂层流平度好,质量可靠。同时能长时间保持建筑物外墙颜色鲜艳。经过长期日晒雨淋或工业废气污染后,很明显滚涂板要比喷涂板洁净光亮,并具有良好的附着力和耐候性,是世界建筑人士公认的第一流材料。4. 装饰性强,安装方便、快捷  蜂窝板的双面板可根据不同的要求选用不同材料,如铝板、不锈钢板、彩钢板、天然石材。幕墙铝蜂窝板是根据现场设计的尺寸,在工厂加工,四周弯折,然后复合成型,再冲挂耳,挂耳与板块连成一整体,使成形后的蜂窝挂板更加牢固。蜂窝板可做成平板、弧形板和“L”型板,全工厂化生产,质量可靠、安装方便、快捷。

    An aluminum honeycomb panel is a kind of ideal decoation mateial. Excellent 3003H24 alloy aluminum panel o 5052AH14 high manganese alloy aluminum panel is selected fo suface panel olling coated with cabon, with a thickness of 0.7-1.0mm. The thickness of bottom panel is 0.6-1.0 mm and the total thickness is 10-25 mm. Hexagons 3003H24 aluminum honeycomb coe is adopted fo coe mateial, with aluminum foil thickness, of 0.04-0.06 mm and bode length of 5-6 mm.

    1. Light specific gavity, high intensity, high igidity, steady stuctue and high wind-esistance pefomance.Aluminum honeycomb panels have been extensively applied to extenal wall decoation of high-ises. Honeycomb sandwich panels of the same igidity have a weight that only 1/5 of aluminum panels and 1/10 ion panels. Aluminum honeycomb panels, whose total thickness being 15mm, panels 1.0mm thick and bottom panel 0.8mm think have a weight of only 6 kilos pe squae mete. The inteconnected honeycomb coes ae like numeous 1 bas with inteface layes distibuted within the whole panel, thus esisting sheaing and bending and lage pessue. It’s wind-esistance pefomance has geatly exceeded that of aluminum-plastic panels and aluminum single aluminum panels, so that even lage-sized honeycomb panels can each extemely high staightness. Aluminum honeycomb panels can each the highest intensity and bending esistance with the lightest weight, which is an incompaable mateial, thus making it cuently the pefeed light weight mateial in the building industy.

    2.Excellent pefomance in sound insulation, heat insulation, fiepoofing and quakepoof.Since the honeycomb coes in aluminum composite panels ae divided into many enclosed cells, which stops ai flows and blocks heat and sound waves with 20-30 DB noise eduction fo souces fom 100HZ to 3200HZ and a heat conduction coefficient of 0.1040.130W/M.K. Aluminum honeycomb panel is an ideal enegy saving mateial with an enegy absoption capability of 150-3500KJ/M. Fo example, when it is aining, ain dopping on the aluminum single aluminum single panels o aluminum-fomed panels will make a loud noise, but if eplaced them with honeycomb panels, no such poblems will occu.

    3. Flat and staight in vision and divese in colo, elegant and bight.Aluminum honeycomb panels of diffeent specifications and sizes all have extemely high staightness and have the advantage of not ease to distotion. The panels mainly adopt fluoocabon coil coating. A citical point fo fluoocabon coil coating aluminum panels is that it employs the technique of continuous coil coating. The coating of aluminum panels is completed at the fist time. Theefoe, the poducts with positive quality ae fee fom chomatic abeation, excellently flat in coating, and keep the extenal wall of buildings bightly-coloed ove a long peiod of time. Afte a long time be exposed to the sun and ain o polluted by the industial waste gas, obviously you can find the olle coating aluminum panels ae bighte than the spaying coating aluminum panels, which has good adhesive foce and climate-esistance. So the olle coating aluminum panels ae ecognized as the fist-class constuction mateials by the wold achitects.

    4. Find decoation effect, easy and apid installation.The bottom panels of honeycomb panels can adopt diffeent mateials accoding to diffeent equiements, such as aluminum panels, coosion esistant panels, coloed steel panels and natual stones. The aluminum honeycomb panels ae pocessed in factoies accoding to sizes designed in site. The suoundings of the panels ae bent and then fomed by hybid foming. The suspension loops ae punched and made into a whole with the panel which makes shaped honeycomb panels fime. The honeycomb panels can be made into flat panels, panels of ac type and L type and U type though the full factoy un with positive quality and easy installation.



